Awaken the Person in the mirror.

Awaken the person in the mirror. Is a zoom seminar organised by Dignity Partnership to encourage people seeking refugee and asylum to face their fears inorder to awaken their inner strength. This is final session after successful 2 sessions on identifying skillset and talent and developing SMART...

Personal Development Plan

Dignity Partnership Supports People Seeking Refuge And Asylum to Identify Unknown/Untapped Skills, providing information and support on how to set up business in Ireland and matching people with potential mentors. Our 3 days programme aims to support participant to develop personal development. ...

Building resilience during challenging situations

We all know that people seeking refugee and asylum need support after fleeing their countries of origin or habitant. Dignity Partnership believes that empowering people with knowledge and connecting people with the local communities is one way of helping people live a dignified life. This event...

Entrepreunarial skill

Despite experiencing isolation and lack of transportation, the residents of Temple Accommodation are positive for the future. A huge thanks to Francis Alabi and Tanya (The Centre Manager) for helping us organise this workshop and for a warm reception in their accommodation centre. ...

Start your own business

This was a conversation on business start-up. Attendees were residents from 5 Direct Provision Centres (The Montague Hotel, Emo, The Hibernian Hotel, Abbeyleix, The Commercial Inn, Rathdowney, The Hazel Hotel, Monasterevin, and Eyre Powell, New Bridge), with a few new members of the Laois Community...

Building on your skills / talent

Thanks to Ndumiso Moyo (DiP promoter), Pat Maher (local volunteer) for helping us in organising this workshop for the residents in the East End emergency accommodation centre. We were delighted to be joined by our guests Julie Scully (Laois Integration Support worker); Salena Grace (Laois Community...